Automated Breach And Attack Simulation – Can You Deny It’s Relevance?

Traditional security measures today expose your organization to various cyber threats, which come with lethal attacking policy and techniques.

Hence automated BAS solution must be a crucial component of your core security policy and measurements.

In the wake of New Year 2024, the first week of January saw a fatal cyber attack by “Meow” ransomware associated with the “Conti” ransomware, displaying its aggressive attacking mode to bring down the entire networking infrastructure into a halt. This is just the beginning of 2024…..

Cyber security experts across the globe have warned the global organizations to prepare themselves to witness more similar multidimensional and brutal attacks. To prevent these known, unknown and emerging threats, a multi-layered, defense-in-depth security strategy must be at the core of the security policy.

The core objective of this approach is to create a security mechanism and techniques to mitigate advanced cyber attacks, which comes with diversionary tactics.

Global security experts and renowned CISOs believe that use of “Breach and Attack Simulation” (BAS), integrating its existing security infrastructure can produce extremely effective results to confront various advanced cyber attacks.

Why BAS? And it’s relevance

Currently, every organization across the globe is battling to neutralize cyber attacks on a daily basis. Addition of ML & AI technology at the design level of these attacks has made the CISOs’ job a nightmare. Recently, the US government cyber defense agency recommended the companies, for the first time, to embrace automated continuous testing to protect against long-standing online threats.

The agency also urged companies to shore up their defenses by continually validating their security program against known threat behaviors rather than a more piecemeal approach. Eventually, in the same direction security experts have advised industries to go for an automated BAS process.

Having cyber security controls in place alone will not protect an organization from breaches and attacks, but continuous measuring the effectiveness of your controls and fine tuning them to keep up with the ever-changing threat landscape is also necessary. Here the automated BAS solution comes to play.

Automation brings the smarter approach of mitigating attacks rather than manual pen testing approach. It not only reduces the cost of testing but also increases the thoroughness of assessments. With the ever increasing surge of cyber attacks in the organizations, it is advised to adopt the most effective BAS solutions.

The prevalence of automated BAS software has also increased due to the rise in global cyber attacks.

The demand for automated BAS software has surged as a result of an increase in the use of cloud-based technologies. Compared to manual BAS solutions, the automated BAS solutions are inexpensive to maintain and have simple installation procedures.

Needless to mention that its continuous security testing approach has made it one of the most preferred security solutions in the present global market.


Financial institutions, defense research organizations, key governmental institutions, medical research firms, aviation sectors, power and energy organizations etc are becoming the primary targets for the cyber attackers due to their business with high value data and impactful business lines.

Inclusion of Automated BAS solutions is a must for these organizations to strengthen their core security policy and infrastructure.

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