Global Cybersecurity Ranking 2024: Which Countries Are Most at Risk?

A new study found the countries with the highest and lowest risk for cyber threats worldwide in 2024.

Cybersecurity experts at found that Finland ranked first among the lowest-risk countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide, with a Cyber Safety Score of 92.81. In overall cyber safety, Finland has outperformed several major countries, such as the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia.  

On the contrary, Bolivia is ranked 1st among the Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide, with a Cyber Safety Score of 38.39. evaluated cyber safety across 70 countries using data from the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), the Cybersecurity Exposure Index (CEI), and Comparitech. Combining scores from these sources.

They calculated a Cyber-Safety Score for each nation, adjusting for different scoring systems. Comparitech’s research, reflecting cyberattack rates, was inverted for the study.

Key Findings:

  • Finland, Norway, and Denmarklead with Cyber Safety Scores above 92, demonstrating robust cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • The United Kingdom, Sweden, Japan, and the United Statesmaintain strong defenses against cyber threats, scoring above 88.
  • The USA scores highest on the Global Cybersecurity Index but onlyranks ninth in overall safety.
  • Honduras, Bolivia, and Venezuelaface significant cybersecurity challenges, scoring below 42.
  • Despite its wealth, the Middle East lags behind in overall cyber safety scores.
  • Algeria, Ecuador, and Kyrgyzstanconfront growing cyber threats with scores below 52.
  • Sri Lanka, Panama, and Armeniaexhibit vulnerabilities, with scores below 56.

10 Lowest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide


. Finland: 

Cyber Safety Score: 92.81. Exceptional across all indices, Finland leads with robust cybersecurity infrastructure and proactive measures, positioning it as a global leader in cyber resilience.

  1. Norway:

Cyber Safety Score: 92.63. Norway exemplifies effective cybersecurity preparedness with commendable scores across key metrics, demonstrating robust cyber resilience.

  1. Denmark:

Cyber Safety Score: 92.45. Denmark showcases a strong commitment to cybersecurity, scoring impressively across key metrics, highlighting its proactive approach against cyber threats.

  1. Australia:

Cyber Safety Score: 89.99. Maintaining a solid defense, Australia’s cybersecurity infrastructure stands resilient against evolving threats.

  1. United Kingdom: 

Cyber Safety Score: 89.75. Despite challenges, the UK maintains a commendable cybersecurity posture, underscored by its robust framework.

  1. Sweden: 

Cyber Safety Score: 89.55. Taking a proactive approach, Sweden demonstrates strong cybersecurity readiness and preparedness.

  1. Austria: 

Cyber Safety Score: 89.55. Balancing its cybersecurity framework effectively, Austria ranks high with commendable scores across indices.

  1. Japan: 

Cyber Safety Score: 88.77. Evident investments in cyber defense reflect Japan’s commendable scores in key metrics.

  1. United States: 

Cyber Safety Score: 88.60. Sustaining a robust cybersecurity infrastructure, the US showcases strong defenses against cyber threats.

  1. Canada: 

Cyber Safety Score: 88.33. Canada ranks in the top 10, demonstrating strong cybersecurity readiness and defenses against cyber threats.

10 Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide

  1. Bolivia: 

Cyber Safety Score: 38.39. Despite a Cyber Resilience Index of 77.33, weaknesses in cybersecurity infrastructure persist across all indices, urging improvements.

  1. Honduras: 

Cyber Safety Score: 41.24. Vulnerabilities abound, with a Cyber Resilience Index of 81.83 indicating urgent measures needed to fortify cybersecurity.

  1. Venezuela: 

Cyber Safety Score: 42.15. Pressing challenges demand immediate action to enhance cybersecurity infrastructure and mitigate risks effectively.

  1. Algeria: 

Cyber Safety Score: 43.19. Suboptimal scores highlight the need for concerted efforts to bolster cyber defenses against growing threats.

  1. Ecuador: 

Cyber Safety Score: 45.00. Inadequate cybersecurity resilience underscores significant vulnerabilities to cyber threats.

  1. Kyrgyzstan: 

Cyber Safety Score: 51.99. Below-average scores reveal notable challenges in cybersecurity preparedness.

  1. Sri Lanka: 

Cyber Safety Score: 53.21. Apparent vulnerability necessitates improvements in cybersecurity infrastructure.

  1. Panama: 

Cyber Safety Score: 53.26. Vulnerabilities persist despite a relatively high Cyber Resilience Index of 82.58.

  1. Armenia: 

Cyber Safety Score: 55.97. Despite efforts, cybersecurity resilience remains a concern, warranting strategic interventions.

  1. Pakistan: 

Cyber Safety Score: 56.40. Enhanced cybersecurity infrastructure is essential to mitigate risks effectively, despite a moderate Cyber Resilience Index of 79.81.


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