Dark Web offers Botnets for as low as $99, fuelling Cyberattacks

Hackers add more devices to the network of slave digital devices, which would do what hackers want them to do. These networks, called botnets, launch large-scale cyberattacks, including the dreaded Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS). Now Dark web peers are selling botnets at throw-away prices ranging from $99 on the Dark Web, according to cybersecurity…

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Kaspersky Experts Identify New Ransomware using BitLocker to encrypt corporate data

Kaspersky has identified ransomware attacks using Microsoft’s BitLocker to attempt encryption of corporate files. The threat actors are using VBScript – a programming language used to automate tasks on Windows computers – to create a malicious script with previously unreported features to maximize the damage of the attack, Kaspersky Global Emergency Response team reports. The…

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